The Gennett Suite Documentary

Gennett Records of Richmond, Indiana was America’s first independent recording studio and “Indie” record label.

Take a deep dive into the history, the artists, the reimagining of the music, recording techniques and more in this 4-Part Documentary Series.

Chapter One – The History | The Gennett Suite Documentary

We’re excited to release The Gennett Suite on Patois Records, June 9, 2023. The project is available digitally, on CD and vinyl. Be sure to sign up for our email list for the latest news and pre-order requests.

Help Support This Musical Tribute

Celebrating Indiana’s contribution to the recording and distribution of pivotal jazz recordings by pioneering jazz artists such as Louis Armstrong, Hoagy Carmichael, Joe “King” Oliver, Bix Biederbecke, and many more. Charitable, tax-deductible donations may be made through the Indiana Entertainment Foundation.